This preparation can be used on soils when biodynamic compost is not available. In this case, several sprayings are required in autumn, and should followed by an application of Horn Manure in the spring.
It encourages the breakdown of organic matter and can be sprayed directly onto animal bedding.
Soils sprayed with the Barrel Compost should also be sprayed with Horn Manure (500).
Those using Prepared Horn Manure (500P) do not need to use MT's Barrel Compost.
Use 240 g/ha. Stir for 20 minutes only in 35 - 50 litres of water.
Once stirred, the preparation retains its effectiveness for at least 72 hours.
The multiple sprayings of Barrel Compost + plain Horn Manure can be conveniently and advantageously replaced by Prepared Horn Manure (500P).
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